Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ye Olde Chiropractic Assistant

Oh, the romance-related messes I get myself into. I'm amazed at my inherent ability to turn something good into something complicated at the drop of a hat. I would say I miss the old days where everything was simple, but those never actually happened. =) I give up. No more love for me.

On the plus side, training at the clinic has been a blast. My coworkers are all fantastic, our patients are lovely, the doctors are helpful, everything's beautiful and organized and easily accessible. Yesterday I developed a bunch of X-rays (which meant I got to peak at a woman's particularly nasty cervical subluxation-- yeowch!) and sat in on a few sessions just to take notes. I'm pledged for a year at least, but I don't think that'll be the least bit difficult to take; I'm so excited when I'm there I can barely stand still.

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