Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Note to the Universe

I'm not a particularly religious person. I'm very spiritual, however, and it helps me cut through the muck and focus on the bright things. Not saying my life is like a magpie in a garbage heap, but I'm realizing that every time I run back through my posts I can feel the frustration seeping out of them. I rarely write about my happy moments because I'm out living them. And believe me, there are far more of those than the negative ones.

I remind myself a lot that I'm in good hands. Something's out there holding me up. I've never messed up too badly to truly ruin something. I've never gotten myself into a situation that was impossible to get out of. I am meticulous with my work and sloppy with my emotions, and that's okay-- it's me. I wouldn't feel right being any other way.

So thank you, Something. I owe you one.


Unknown said...


The Beautiful Someone is always saving my skin, too.

Observing the magic and sacred math behind all these things that we observe: There is no crest without the trough, and each is perfect.

Sarah Silliman, LMT said...

Okay. While I do greatly appreciate the consistent words of wisdom, your anonymity has become somewhat of a nervous mystery to me since you admitted to being "someone who has read [my] blog for a while."

If I have no connection to you at all in person and mine just happens to be a journal you stumbled across, it's a different story. But for the sake of my shot-through nerves: I would like you to identify yourself now, please.