Sunday, September 28, 2008

'Cause If You Want to Disco, Come to San Fransisco!

I just spent the last week in the Bay Area with my best girlfriend, Liza. She's moving a couple hundred miles north of Portland for work tomorrow, so we figured it would be a good idea, while we still had time, to get the heck out of the city and visit a different one.

What a trip-- we hiked all over, saw all the touristy things, stayed in a cool little hostel in North Beach. At the end, I was delighted to find that Liza and I had no issues spending that much time together. We were still just as enthusiastic about being around the other person as we had been at the start of the trip. This is the way we've always interacted, even when we lived together a couple years ago, and I'm still awed by it. Not every day that you find someone you love so thoroughly that you never get sick of their company. True friendship.

I'm going to miss her so much.

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