Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Me: You know, though, I'm actually having the first good day I've had in a while. Besides the weekend, seeing all of you.
Cassie: Well, because you have some clore.
Me: "closure?" Yes.
Cassie: Oh yeah--
Me: I have some Clore!
Cassie: Sometimes I type too fast for the keyboard.
Me: Good old Clore.
Cassie: Hahahahaha! Clore is good for the soul!
Me: Delicious, nutritious, chocolate-covered Clore!
It's like "folklore" without the "folk."
Me: Great for cleaning the bathtub and brushing your cat. And snuggling with at night.
Cassie: And decapitations!
Me: And foreign policy! Not to mention keeping your fridge smelling fresh--
Cassie: Clore IS McCain's vp.
Me: But that's okay, 'cause Clore will feed the homeless and provide free healthcare for all. AND polish your doorknobs to a high mirror shine!
Cassie: Tee hee! You should see the stains I had on my teeth before Clore.
Me: It's a whitener, too? Wow, Clore sure is the best thing a gal could have. Super absorption Clore with wings.
Cassie: Sure is. Throw away all your old [lovers]. We now have Clore!
Me: Word! Clore: It's What's for Dinner.
Clore, for a Better Tomorrow!
Cassie: Ooooooo- and a Better Yesterday!


Kevin M. Arnold said...

Where can I get some of this Clore? I want 12 boxes ... er ... jars ... um, what type of container does it come in? Or is Clore it's own container as well?

Sarah Silliman, LMT said...

Clore comes in its own patented Clorepouch, also made entirely of unrefined Clore.